Friday, October 7, 2011


So we needed to get a couple chairs for our new place and last Saturday decided to check out this cool furniture store. It ended up being the perfect day to go! They were having a one day, up to 50% off parking lot sale! So we went and gave the chairs a look. Aaron instantly fell in love with a low, brown leather chair. They had a price tag on it saying $299.99. Right behind it was a black leather chair and ottomon that I fell in love with priced at $499.99!

Aaron didn't believe that $499.99 was the price for the set, he thought it was just the chair. So I asked one of the salesmen and he said that it was the price for the set, and that he could even take $50 more off, making it $449.99 for the set! I was excited. But I knew we needed two chairs and Aaron was completely enamored with the brown chair. So I asked the guy that if we bought both chairs, would he be able to give us an even better deal. He looked up at it and said he would see what he can do.

So he goes over to the brown chair, looks at the price, thinks a bit. Then kind of hesitantly says "I could give it to you for $249.99."

I'm wondering why he's all hesitant to take the same amount off on this that he already took for the other chair. But I didn't think too much more about it because I was still happy with the price.

When we get home, though, I looked at the price tags and realized why he hesitated. The price tag for the brown chair said $399.99, NOT the $299.99 I had thought it said. So he had taken $150 off on the brown chair! Excited, I tell Aaron and he's like "Yeah, thanks to your wheeling and dealing."

I'm confused because I didn't really try that hard to bring the price down. But Aaron says that it's because the salesman had apparently already offered to take $50 off of the brown chair before I even asked about it. (Taking a total of $100 of on both chairs) But I hadn't heard that and when I asked for a better deal on both chairs, he thought I meant more than the $100 off he had already offered! I can definitely say that that is a mistake I don't mind making :) That got us an extra $100 taken off, for a total of $200 taken off of the already low sales prices!

The breakdown ended up being like this:

Brown Leather Chair

Originally $999
Clearanced for $399.99
Paid $249.99!

Black Leather Chair & Ottoman Set

Originally $1200
Clearanced for $499.99
Paid $449.99

And I cannot tell you how much we LOVE these chairs! The black chair went in the living room, and Aaron's brown chair went in our room. It's his "throne", as he calls it. His chair where he can sit and be lazy, and (he thinks), tell me to go get him ice cream and whatnot. Yeah, he wishes! haha :)

P.S. Emma is 4 months old today!

P.P.S. I would have had Calvin in the pics too, but he said he didn't want his picture taken. And since Emma has no choice, she got to be my model today! :)

P.P.P.S. I know, I know. These chairs are leather! Meaning they are most likely made from some sad tortured animals. And I totally blew my flexitarianism by buying these. Why? Because I actually didn't put two and two together with the leather=animal skin, thing until after I got home. I've just always loved leather and wanted leather furniture, so it didn't even cross my mind at the time. And then I sat there feeling bad for awhile. But since the chairs are non-returnable, I figure the best thing I can do is to give them a good home. And be more mindful of leather in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Looks Like Emma Likes The Chairs Too! lol

    Great Deal! Can't Believe You Couldn't Find A Coupon To Get More $ Off! lol...
